Chery has announced its sales figures for April, and the results are impressive. Here's a breakdown of the company's outstanding achievements:

Monthly Sales Volume

182,049 units sold in April: This figure represents a significant jump in sales compared to the same period last year.

Year-on-Year Growth

43.7% increase: Chery has achieved remarkable year-on-year growth in April. This substantial increase indicates strong market demand for Chery vehicles and the company's ability to capitalize on market opportunities.

Market Positioning

Growing market share: With such robust sales figures, Chery is likely to have strengthened its position in the automotive market. The company's vehicles are clearly meeting the needs and preferences of consumers.

Positive momentum: Given the impressive sales figures and year-on-year growth, Chery is poised for continued success in the coming months. The company's ability to innovate and meet market demands will be key to maintaining this positive momentum.

Chery has achieved outstanding sales figures in April, with a 43.7% year-on-year growth. This success underscores the company's strong market positioning and positive momentum going forward.