On September 24, the 21st China-ASEAN Expo kicked off in Nanning, showcasing NETA as a pioneer in the new energy vehicle sector with its star products. Sun Guang, the Executive Vice President of NETA's Overseas Division, stated in a CCTV interview, “In the current global industrial shift, China and ASEAN have formed a new division of labor and cooperation. ASEAN is at the lower end of the industrial chain, while China is at the upper midstream. The complementarity between us is much greater than the competition.”

During the China-ASEAN Automotive Industry Cooperation Development Forum held concurrently, representatives from NETA collaborated with government leaders, industry experts, and business representatives from various countries to discuss strategies for promoting cooperation and development in the automotive industry.

Forecasts indicate that the electric vehicle market in six major ASEAN economies will experience an annual growth rate of 16% to 39% over the next decade, with sales expected to reach $100 billion by 2035.

As the first new energy vehicle company to design right-hand drive models for the Southeast Asian market, NETA has established factories and subsidiaries in Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. They have achieved sales in 9 out of the 10 ASEAN countries, with nearly 80 sales channels set up. For example, in Thailand, one in every five new energy vehicles is a NETA model. The company’s advocacy for "technology equality" enables users in ASEAN to access high-quality, cost-effective smart cars more easily.

At the expo, officials and business representatives from ASEAN countries visited NETA’s booth and praised the company for its excellent performance in the ASEAN market and its global development.

Sun Guang mentioned at the forum, “Today, NETA has become a leader among Chinese new energy vehicle companies going overseas, and this achievement would not be possible without the support of the ASEAN market.” In the next one to two years, NETA plans to cover all 10 ASEAN countries, serving nearly 700 million people, and continue offering high-quality smart mobility products and services.

As China and ASEAN enter another decade of deepening cooperation, NETA aims to take on the responsibility of driving collaborative development in the new energy vehicle industry. Along with strengthening its presence in Southeast Asia, NETA will also focus on expanding into Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa, and will explore opportunities in the European market at the right time.